Full inventory and online purchasing coming soon. For now, please call or email for pricing and availability.

Cutting Tools

Swift Tool provides the Northwest's largest inventory of cutting tools. Products include collets, chucks, drills, reamers, bits, endmills, taps, accessories, and more from a variety of brands.
Swift Tool offers a variety of abrasives for your specific needs. Products include: bonded abrasives, brushes and de-burring products, carbide burr products, coated and non-woven abrasives, grinding wheels, files, and sand blasting equipment along with accessories.
Swift Tool carries an array of fluids including coolants, oils, de-greasers, and cleaning agents, along with environmentally friendly NEW-LUBE products.

Measuring Tools

Work Holding

Hand Tools
Swift Tool has a variety of tool measuring devices in stock, including both automatic and hand measuring devices. These include: calipers, micrometers, ring, plug, and thread gages, along with height gages and much more.
Swift Tool offers a variety of work holding devices. Ask about the best option for your needs.
Swift Tool has a diverse inventory of hand tools in stock for your needs.